KavithaThe Coach(High Performance Coach)

Solopreneurs and Burnout: A Struggle Women Entrepreneurs Face

Solopreneurs and Burnout, Women entrepreneurs - Kavitha the coach
Solopreneurs and Burnout, Women entrepreneurs – Kavitha the coach

Running your own business can be amazing, but it can also be challenging—especially if you’re a woman trying to balance your family, work, and everything else.

It can feel even more challenging for women in India aged 35 to 55 who are solopreneurs (people who run their businesses by themselves or with a small team).

You often look after your children, care for our homes, help out your partners, care for your aged parents or inlaws and run your businesses. But sometimes, You forget to take care of the most important person in the whole thing – Yourself.

Women often don’t talk about burnout, which is when one is exhausted and can’t seem to keep going.


Your family might tell you, *”You don’t need to work this hard, just quit your business.”* Or You might think, *”I already have a good life, so why should I feel tired?”*

But burnout is accurate, and it can happen to anyone—even the most dedicated and hardworking women, like my client Shruthi.

**Shruthi’s Story: A Wake-Up Call**

One of my clients, Shruthi, runs a small tea business.

She’s passionate about what she does and wakes up every morning full of energy.

She brews tea, takes care of orders, manages her business, family and personal money, and looks after her family.

She does everything with one employee for her 50 lacs per year turnover business.

But one evening, as she was getting ready to go out with her family, she almost fainted.

Her body was telling her it was too much.

She had ignored signs of burnout for too long, including feeling super tired, getting angry quickly, and not caring as much about her work or family as she used to.

That’s when Shruthi realised she was burnt out.

Does Shruthi’s story sound familiar to you?

**Signs You Might Be Burnt Out**

As a woman, you often prioritise everyone else’s needs—your kids, partners, clients—but forget about yourself.

But here’s the thing:

You can’t take care of others if you don’t care for yourself.

Here are some signs of burnout you should watch out for:

1. Feeling Tired All the Time:

Even if you sleep a lot, you still wake up feeling tired. Small tasks feel like huge challenges.

2. Emotionally Distant:

You don’t feel excited about your work or family like you used to. You wonder why you even started your business in the first place.

3. Mood Swings:

You get frustrated or upset over small things. Changes in your body can make this worse for women, especially as you age.

4. Physical Pain:

Do you get headaches, tight muscles, or stomach problems? Stress can also affect your body.

5. Feeling Overwhelmed:

Your to-do list keeps getting longer, and you need to catch up. It takes a lot of work to focus on anything.

If you’ve felt this way, it’s time to stop and think about what’s happening.

Why It’s Important to Take Action Now

The thing about burnout is that it doesn’t just go away by itself.

If you don’t do something about it, it will only get worse.

It can affect your business, your relationships, and even your health.

In India, many women feel like they have to keep going, but if you ignore burnout, it can lead to severe problems like depression or anxiety.

According to a study, the average age of menopause for women in India is 45 to 48.

Perimenopause ( Pre effects of menopause) can hit an average of 10 years ( 35 to 45 years on average ).

The effects of perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause consume twenty years of your life.

For women going through perimenopause (the time before menopause), burnout can be even more complex because of the changes in your body. That’s why taking care of yourself is so important.

**How to Check If You’re Burnt Out**

So, how do you know if you’re tired or burnt out? Here are some simple ways to check:

Energy Check: Pay attention to how you feel during the day. Are you always tired? If so, that’s a sign of burnout.

Write Down Your Feelings: Take five minutes each day to write down how you feel, both in your mind and body. If you notice you’re tired, frustrated, or angry most of the time, that’s a red flag.

Set Boundaries: Think about your life—do you have time for yourself? Start saying “no” to things that drain you. Take breaks. If you feel guilty for taking a break, that’s a sign you need one.

**Ask for Help**: You don’t have to do everything yourself. What tasks can you give to someone else? Can you ask for help with your business or home? It’s tough to let go, but your health matters more.

**Take Action Before It’s Too Late**

Your business will only succeed if you are healthy and happy. It’s time to take care of yourself, not just for your family or clients but for yourself.

If this sounds like something you’re going through, let’s talk.

I’m offering one-on-one calls to help you determine your burnout level and create a plan to align your goals with productivity.

Comment “Burnout Check” below, or message me to schedule your free call.

You deserve to live a life where you feel good and energised daily. Let’s work together to get you back to that.

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