A conversation between Curious Natalie, an online business entrepreneur and a coachpreneur – Kavitha the Coach.
Natalie-Hey, I’m getting one or two clients per month through my old customers reference. Why do you need to start a lead magnet? I feel a lead magnet is a very long and boring process. I don’t want to do it.
Kavitha the Coach- Yes, you’re getting one or two clients per month. Are you happy with those one or two clients?
Every month, you need to contact your old customers for reference, or you need to create random social media posts to attract a new audience.
Whereas with a simple landing page, and a free powerful lead magnet, you need not worry about leads and lose your night’s sleep. The free landing page and the powerful lead magnet can be done absolutely free with zero cost.
Would you like to have new leads every month?
With a lead magnet and landing pages, you can do better.
This way you can attract new leads every month for your business.
Since interesting, let me try that. What should I do to create a lead magnet or know more about it? It is very easy than you are even imagining it.
Check out my website Kavitha the coach.com
and let us create a beautiful lead magnet for you. Yes book A 30 minutes free strategy call and let us think and decide what should be your lead magnet.
Natalie: This looks very easy. Let me try that.