How I Created The Habit Of Consistent Content Creation?
How I created the habit of being consistent?
I created the habit of consistency by doing the new habit I wanted to develop immediately after the old habit I followed for years.
This method I learnt from James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. He calls this stacking habit.
Let me share my habit.
My old habit is drinking one cup of coffee in the morning to give me a kick for the day.
The new habit I wanted to develop is creating content which would help my ideal audience solopreneurs and small businesses to find leads online.
I stacked my new habit of creating consistent content immediately after drinking my daily old habit of drinking coffee.
Before I prepared my cup of coffee, I opened my laptop and kept my content idea as notes near my Laptop.
I made myself environment ready.
Then I prepare my cup of coffee, enjoying my me time.
After that, as my laptop and content notes are ready, I immediately create my content.
This way my new habit of creating consistent content is stacked after my old habit of drinking a hot cup of coffee.
I love my old habit and new habit now and as a result, my content consistency has increased tremendously.
Being Consistent
Beware I am not doing it 100% daily.
Yes, as it is a new habit, 20% of times I may miss it.
As my new habit is like a new baby and takes time in forming, I forgive myself and am happy with my 80% consistency.
I learnt to be able to celebrate my little progress and forgive myself for inconsistency sometimes.
Thank you Umme Salma for asking me the question, How to be Consistent? I am sure this answer would benefit you and many others like you and me.
If you have any questions regarding the entrepreneur or coachpreneur mindset or would want to know how to find leads online for your business, drop a question here and would love to answer you.
Thank you.
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